Thursday, April 14, 2005

Upcoming Cookbooks and Food Books

Cribbed from Publisher’s Lunch and the weekly deal memo:

New Business Book: In 2006, look for Portland journalist Taylor Clark's STARBUCKED: How a Coffeehouse Changed the Way We Live, a cultural history of one of the world's most successful and provocative companies and the impact it continues to have on everything from gentrification to globalization coming from Little, Brown

New in Cooking: Dietician Ronni Julien's THE TRANS FAT FREE KITCHEN, to Allison Janse at HCI, for publication in trade paperback.

Marilynn Brass and Sheila Brass's SWEET TALK, presenting nearly 100 years of American desserts, handed-down through the generations on cards and notepapers lovingly stitched, tied and boxed together, and now found and updated by seasoned cooks, to Black Dog & Leventhal.

In the Diet World: Patty Lawson's THE DOG DIET, on how to lift your spirits, lighten your heart and shrink your waistline by changing your focus to the needs of another living creature, including a mix of dog tips, food plans and some recipes coming from HCI in Spring 2006.

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