Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ask Feed Me/Drink Me:

Hey, kids, here's a question from a dedicated reader and a damn good question, too. I'm sure somebody can help this guy out because we all know a good bartender is hard to find:

Q: BrainGirl: Do you know where Matt, the best bartender in the world, has landed since the Keystone Grill went Sur la frontera. I heard a rumor he went to Eddie Merlot's but they denied having any bartender named Matt at their establishment. Thanks.

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


Anonymous said...

I asked this as a party last night (among a group who knows their bartenders). No one knew him specifically, but said that La Frontera (the restaurant open in the same space) kept many of their best people. He may have decided to stay after all?

Anonymous said...

Matt went to Eddie Merlot's
Most of the staff went to Ruth's, Eddie's or Peterson's (me).
I will have to change my email soon.