Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Quiz Answer

What a holiday gift I gave you all! Such an easy one. Jerusalem artichokes are, of course, also known as sunchokes. Cardoons are in the artichoke family but not artichokes (this might be on a test later). And artichokes are, well, artichokes. And parsnips are something else altogether. 89% of you got it right.


Anonymous said...

My favorite little tidbit about Jerusalem artichokes is that the word Jerusalem is the bastardization of something like "gryo" and "sol," in Italian girasole, implying the way that the flower of the plant follows the sun around the sky, sort of like a sunflower.

Anonymous said...

Did you see that Restaurant Tallent received a four diamond rating from AAA? Danielli is the only four diamond restaurant in Indy.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone actually pay attention to Triple A ratings? Because if Danielli is the only four star rated restaurant in Indy, it's clear they dont' know what they're doing.