Friday, April 18, 2008

Earthquake! The Real Kind and the Cocktail Kind

Good morning, Indiana earthquake survivors! Some strange bumps in the night woke me up just in time for a little morning shake-up call. What a weird one -- long shaking and lots of vibration (the *earthquake*, people.) Long California habit sent me straight to the USGS Earthquake report but looks like a few folks got there before me. It was up by the time I logged in -- 5.4 over in Illinois. Who knew yesterday's warm day was earthquake weather? In honor of our own little temblor, here's a cocktail to make the earth move for you -- The Earthquake!

1 part gin
1 part Bourbon
3/4 part Pernod or absinthe

Mix and serve over ice in a Collins glass (some recipes show straight up in a martini glass, too.)


John said...

Where is everyone obtaining their absinthe in Indy? I had a taste of the genuine Jade absinthe (mailed illegally to a friend) and it was amazing (and amazingly costly - worth it though!).

Now that it is being sold over here, all I'm seeing are these psuedo-absinthes. As far as I know, only Lucid is "true" absinthe - and it's impossible to find.

So where's the stash in Indy?

ps. anyone want to print out some "I SURVIVED THE '08 HOOSIERQUAKE" t-shirts?

Greg said...

I found my bottle of lucid in Chicago .

Looks like you can pick it up in kokomo.

500 South Reed Rd
Kokomo, IN. 46902
(765) 457-9396

but, the liquor store I found was in the loop area called Sam's Wine and Spirits. Their newest store is about the only one I've found that has a free parking lot in the south loop area.

It's sold for $65 though.