Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Top Chef Finale Tonight!

Hey, kids, don't forget tonight is the night we find out who will be the new Top Chef! (Bravo, 10:00 p.m.) Will it be uber-excellent calm-in-the-kitchen Richard Blaise or everybody's new favorite Chicago home town girl Stephanie? Or will angry Lisa pull a surprise upset? Stephanie will chat live with Joe Gray at The Tribune tomorrow win or lose.

What's your prediction?


WYA! said...

We are rooting for Stephanie but we wouldn't be too disappointed if Richard wins.

Lucasb said...

Woo Hoo! Top Chef Finale! I'll be happy when Richard or Stephanie win. I can't envision any scenario where Lisa the Grump can win. She should have been kicked off a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

Watching, I was so scared that Lisa might win. The phone in survey garnered her only a 4% chance, but the judges just kept going on and on about her dishes. Finally, thank goodness, they picked a woman to win...the right woman! It's about time. Midwest girl makes good. We are genuinely happy for her. She is one of the only people we have ever seen on the show that didn't say mean things to or about anyone the entire season. a class act all the way. Yay Stephanie!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ditto what penelope said.