Saturday, August 23, 2008

An Afternoon Tea Party

You know, we don't have afternoon tea often enough. Really. We just don't. Last week, a friend couldn't make lunch but was in my neck of the woods by mid-afternoon. We decided on tea. It just seemed like the thing to do.

Cucumber sandwiches (with crusts trimmed off, of course, pound cake with lemon curd, fresh fruit -- so simple. (Sadly, store-bought pound cake due to time constraints.) Even without loose tea or a technically accurate separate pot, we still enjoyed a wide variety of teas, tisanes, and housemade chai with milk, lemon, and all the other accoutrements. It felt a little like a fancy party -- but was so simple. More afternoon tea! I vote for a tea revolution! Pics at Flickr.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Anyone been to Tea's Me?

It's a great little tea shop in between meridian and delaware on 22nd street.