Monday, March 21, 2005

Brazilian: Not Just All Meat, All the Time

Had dinner on Saturday night in the Adams-Morgan neighborhood of Washington DC at a terrific little Brazilian place called A Grill from Impenema. Besides possibly my most favorite restaurant name ever, it featured a terrific menu -- both in the bar and the dining room -- of traditional Brazilian fare, and not just all beef. Lots of fish, seafood stews with coconut milk, avocado, vegetables, pastries filled with rich fillings, mushrooms, hmmmm. We had been eating and drinking hard for two days (and after much sangria and hard night of tapas the night before), so a few more veggies made appearances than normal, but we make up for it with the biggest ice cream meringue pie I've ever seen. I spent a lot of the evening trying to figure out why I could not actually pronouncing cachaca (the sugar cane liquor) and caipirinha (although I had no problem ordering it.) Complete with a ride home from our dinner date which was good since I barely could waddle to the door.

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