Wednesday, April 12, 2006

South American Steaks and Other miscellany

Argentina on Two Steaks a Day: I've never been to South American but damned if this terrific post on the joys of Argentinean beef doesn't make me want to go. Apparently, happy cows make for amazing beef.

Plant 'em if you got 'em: Forecasters predict a wet spring for central Indiana. Time to get started on those herbs. My chives are thriving, but it's time to plant basil. I may try seed this year in pots and see what I get.

How to Carve that Easter Ham: In Oklahoma on Easter, I always wanted ham but we always had roast or prime rib. Eating beef was like eating bread. For farmers and ranchers, you pay pay tribute to what puts food on the table by...well...eating it. We love pigs in Oklahoma now, so I don't feel so bad for eating ham. Courtesy of Slashfood, here's how to carve that Easter Ham.

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