Q: Thanksgiving Help!
You guys have Thanksgiving dinner under control, right? Sure! You're pulling out your brined birds, preparing your chestnut and sausage stuffing, cooking giblets, French cutting your fresh green beans, and hand-making your pie crusts this very minute. But, just in case you're having a last minute crisis, say you can't find the recipe for creme fraiche or your pie filling didn't set up, don't despair. Help is here!
** Butterball has moved lightyears beyond their old school (but still incredibly useful) 800 help line. Check out their website for first timers tips, their turkey podcast, and access to the Turkey Help Line!
** The New York Times lists step-by-step pictorial instructions of how to carve a turkey. It's a great refresher if you're only asked to do it once a year! Via Slashfood.
** Post your questions here this morning and we'll get you help or resources!
Here's one for you...Not stuffing the bird with dressing this year. What do you suggest using instead to keep the bird moist?
Oooh, good question. I cram the cavity full of quartered oranges and lemons for roasting. Adds good moisture. Good luck!
I stuffed mine with Nueske's Applewood Smoked Bacon and Fioe Gras. The gravy was amazing(and expensive).
I brined my bird over night then draped the breast of my turkey with freshly smoked bacon from The Goose. Filled the cavity with an apple, a whole head of garlic, the tops of fennel. Put a bed of leek tops under the bird. Very moist, even after I had to return the cut turkey to the oven to keep it warm for some tardy guests. Who's for turkey soup and turkey salad sandwiches tomorrow?!!?!
I brought leftovers home, too. A wonderful friend made perfect stuffing, an incredibly moist brined bird, and all the great sides. We drank too much champagne and made Christmas sugar cookies with bright icing and lots of sprinkles.
This year I'm thankful for bacon, and foie gras, and really moist turkeys!
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